quartet for the end of time

so it turns out I will not be having surgeries from September after all ( the Company has interdicted leaving ship in the middle of the term :when, understandably, the whole purpose of the enterprise – anxious parents paying reams for the privilege of having their children pass the exams for prestigious universities, which then practically guarantee employment in a top tier industry – is for me to guide them all the way through to the finale.)

that I am considered vital enough to the operation is flattering – and I did broadcast everything a tad too soon when the word was ‘discreet’- i should have consulted with the bigwigs more hand rubbingly groveling- apologetic beforehand :: : but the fact that my pain is also discounted as a meaningless samurai by- product could, if I let it, induce corrosive inner magma

the compromise : I will fulfill my duties until January ( if I can walk – if not I will just become addicted to the powerful painkillers the doctor has prescribed me which I feel no affiliation), and then I will be taking the entirety of the 2025 academic year off as an official, semi -paid leave of absence – in which to operate, recover; become healthy again —— my first ever sabbatical


i am now on the train to Shinjuku. To watch d perform multiple roles at Gyoen Rosso (including his singing debut)- at the Kings Of Tokyo Stonewall 55th Anniverary.

The tired people in the picture above all magically woke up just on time at Yokohama station.

I took their seats, wearing – as it is full kushinashi gardenia season here :

hair and body bathed in Floris Gardenia shower gel

undershirts sprayed in Penhaligon’s Gardenia

some Tuberosa D’Autunno extract from Florence

Dawn Spencer Hurwitz Tubereuse

and a pure tuberose essential oil picked up in Hawaii


Filed under Flowers

6 responses to “quartet for the end of time

  1. Whenever you get the operation I wish you well

  2. I hope things remain stable for you in the meantime. Work should never be prioritized over health, but if you can manage, the sabbatical sounds like something to look forward to.

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