The Shiseido Lady is still shedding Stuff.

ne ne’ she said as I sidled by the shop on my bike ( practically every other day we come home with something – glassware, stationery, I took home a random old cinema brochure of Eddie Murphy in Beverly Hills Cop): ‘do you want these ? The Inoui is almost empty, but better than throwing it away. Do you know this one from a long time ago, Nishiki ?’

I had never heard of it ( nor Reve D’Amour – an intriguingly pine cone resinous aromatic chypre I am immediately taken with – the Nishiki sounds good on Fragrantica but has turned so I can’t really judge it).

And Shiseido More ?

Don’t mind if I do. The pinkest and most strawberriest talcy lighthearted floral aldehyde ever made – if Marilyn Monroe ever had a fluffy white chinchilla, she surely would have dipped it in this.

The madness apparently continues until July.


Filed under Flowers

10 responses to “NISHIKI (1973) + REVE D’AMOUR (1979) by SHISEIDO

  1. ngrot

    All those wonderful items going to a good home. Enjoy!

  2. I can just imagine the scent of More from your description. Still envious of your continuous haul! 🙂

  3. Hanamini

    How I wish someone said a gentle “ne ne” to me, laden with such treasures! The Reve d’Amour sounds lovely. I’ve never met an old Shiseido I didn’t like – and the same goes for the makeup and skincare. Even the name is like a fragrant massage. I hope you enjoy your lovely little cache.

  4. Never met a Shiseido that I didn’t like.

    • Yes they do have something !

      What do you like about them ?

      • There’s a naturalness, subtlety, and simplicity to Shiseido fragrances that’s very Japanese. Perhaps underwhelming to most western noses, I find them to develop and wear in poetic fashion.
        I agree %100 with Hanamini on Shiseido skincare, makeup, and haircare- absolutely amazing quality!

      • I think so too. Some of these older perfumes are a little dated but there is still almost always SOMETHING that is unbanal

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