
d is on the midst of a fascinating programme at the moment : he, and a network of foreign writers based in Japan, are sending original postcard poems to each other, dashing off poetry on a limb ( on a whim :). almost on a daily basis. They look at the image (or they create the image); they pen a few words ; they rush to the postbox.

I love the spontaneity of it. The beautiful language being generated.

(One that was there today, waiting )


Filed under Flowers

7 responses to “poetry

  1. thenaming

    That’s wonderful! It is always so much easier to write freely when there is a reader (esp one who is also involved in a creative practice) waiting on the other end. Some years ago a friend of mine created a limited run zine (it was very poetic…copies were not sold, but sent to friends in various cities — including some in Japan — to be set adrift in public spaces.) He offered me a regular space and, being between projects, I decided to write a series of poems about fragrance that went on to direct my writing for the next few years. There is magic in invitations and things left waiting to be found.

  2. Haiku I must write,
    In Yoda’s wise, cryptic style,
    Words twist, meaning bright.

    ( I write poetry and haiku in the voice of Yoda)

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